R&D Realizations Mean Constant Convergence

With the consistent swarm of related and sometimes unrelated efforts necessary to push the boundaries of R&D into viable and usable tools, it’s not only firm size, previous R&D experience, belonging to related high-tech services sectors and obtaining public funding which all influence positively and significantly the propensity to cooperate with agents of change to engage and support the capability of making breakthroughs take place.

iGNITIATE - R&D Realizations Mean Constant Convergence
What this is often at odds with ( and due to the complexity of garnishing funding from country specific national science foundations, government and military funding sources  ) is what R&D portfolios of cooperating firms look like as compared to those that do not cooperate. In ” Generation Activities And Innovation Results Of Firms ” we see, interestingly it’s firms that collaborated with customers and possible end users not yet prepared for massive technological changes which show significantly lower investment in basic research compared vs. firms where investments in applied research and basic research that end up seeing significantly greater success rates due to R&D convergence efforts. Where some firms are also able to effectively use this strategy to pursue objective short-term solutions to market needs, this has been shown to also be to the detriment of expanding their technological knowledge base to other fields ( via basic research ) and without this further expansion synergistic effects of said convergence capability and activities were smaller in firms that did not adopt this mechanism.

With basic research investment reductions and in the case of customer cooperating firms the pattern further reveals the preference of these companies to develop near-market research activities and thus an imbalance for farther reaching efforts in unproven targets but where said successes can be drastically effected by efforts such as consistent merger and acquisition activities. As in the case of apple and their new iVisionPro system such efforts to develop new product lines required an M&A activity of bringing in new companies on average of buying one company every two to three weeks and where many of these firms are effectively purchased out of existence due to the need for person talent and thus intellectual property capture and dominance. It is therefore that such a system and effectively ” innovation plus ” intellectual property via an R&D mentality that becomes the driving factor for specialized design and engineering solutions and thus a breakthrough innovation model implementation.



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