Making Breakthroughs Means Innovation Autonomy
When it comes to creating a consistent innovation pipeline system, the capability of multiple R&D capabilities is often a function not only of geography ( in terms of customer and country specific capabilities necessary ) but also the core mechanisms for communication and destination of information across geographic units so to be able to quickly bubble up game changing efforts effectively.
In ” Enhancing Synergistic Innovative Capability ” we see factors such as autonomy and innovative proficiency synergy indicates that those R&D units free to make decisions regarding their project portfolios, human resources, and collaborative partners are likely to be more proficient at generating and exploiting new and successful innovations.” which is not unexpected. However what is particularly interesting is the innovation capability of firms who encourage very high levels of autonomous activity between units that have no formal interaction or need to communicate with each other and increased cross team re-usability so that ( in the case of coding ) very complex solutions to problems are reduced in terms of development time just because of the open format of communication between non formally connected geographic groups.