Interview with Gregory Polletta for The iGNITE Convergence Program @ Northeastern University Boston

On Tue., Sept 13th @ 12 noon Gregory Polletta will give the 1hr pre-iGNITE Convergence Program lecture series on the inner-workings of Design, Innovation and R&D Breakthroughs at Northeastern University Boston. The 1st of it’s kind, this lunch time campus wide 1hr lecture series is sponsored by Northeastern University’s President office, The College of Engineering’s Center for High Rate Nano Manufacturing and Northeastern Design.

In conjunction with the above and in a 4 part, 4 country, interview series, Professor Polletta is this time interviewed by Eric Howard Corporate and Outreach Manager for Northeastern’s Center for High-Rate Nano Manufacturing. Gregory describes some of the challenges and successes of integrating radical design, unproven engineering and R&D Design Thinking techniques executed at some of the worlds largest firms and some of the most nimble international startups.

Tuesday’s Sept 13th’s, one hour lecture series is part of iGNITIATE’s internationally renowned iGNITE Convergence Program running internationally since 2005. The iGNITE Program, created by Gregory Polletta in 2005 is the world’s 1st fully integrated design, design thinking, new product development and innovation program – this time being delivered at Northeastern University’s College of Engineering on Friday Sept 16 – Sunday Sept 18th in conjunction with the National Science Foundation and Northeastern’s Center for High Rate Nano Manufacturing.

For more information on The iGNITE Program, The iGNITE Convergence Program and our international successes with the US Navy and many other international firms and government organizations visit iGNITIATE’s The iGNITE Program and Change Management Successes page.

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