Desire a new billion dollar industry? A Real Innovation? Supercapacitor = No more Batteries
How many times have you heard the word innovation? How many times was it nothing more than advertising BS? Not this time. Industry proven Supercapacitors are here & originally made, “cooked” right inside a standard DVD burner. How will design be effected? Paper thin batteries that charge devices in seconds & electric vehicles in 3mins. Sound unbelieveable? Watch the video and the physicists behind it – real innovators. Schumpeter, the father of the definition of innovation would be proud.
Where does it all come from? UCLA high-energy-density graphene micro-supercapacitors researchers. What does it mean for products & design? Well supercapacitors are made of graphene, which is thin, flexible and super-strong. Did I say super thin? Super thin. Now your cell phone is 1/2 the size not to mention graphene is carbon & biodegradable and compostable. When you’re done with the thing it dissolves right into the soil. Now that’s innovation!