Diffuse or Detail ? Both mean Design & Innovation Breakthroughs
The phrase ” the fit is the fashion ” is an old television ad that focused on why a tools can at any time be adjusted to create a more perfect connection between user and function. Except in financial models for ROI in startups and intraprenuring efforts of course.
In Innovation in Techniques for Medical Devices we see some of the clearest evidence for how the effort of innovation and new product development requires specific activities such as diffusion which will not be effective unless it is in a specific quantity such that manufacturers, who frequently co-operate with key opinion leaders, consistently use testimonials working with users so as to be sufficient for the product, is specifically designed, to be used and connected to a non complex technique to create efficacy for the end user.
This is further explored in where firms find themselves in a position where isolated marketing efforts of the product are bound to fail due to external fores ( either market or environmental ) which puts an ever higher emphasis on selling their product vs. incentivizing the innovative user to diffuse the technique of the end process to attain product efficacy. More, where manufacturers are involved in the techniques of development as early as possible yet not aware of innovation activities going on among their users ( those that design for a manufacturer ) the manufacturers that actively scan for and track the development of user innovations in techniques of how they use products increase the likelihood of continued growth as a firm and where new opportunities to work with new designers is constantly maintained. Manufacturers then continually build up capabilities and develop deeper understanding of use and need-related knowledge thus constantly increasing the flow of transferring user knowledge to the specialists inside the manufacturing company as well as the design team tasked with the innovation efforts being focused on.
Diffusion then becomes a key aspects the complex innovation effort which allows for even further breakthroughs to happen and the goal of any forward thinking firm.